


What is microblading?

Full, thick brows are "in", but here's the catch-- so is the natural makeup look. Try as you may, powders and pencils just can't imitate the thin detail of natural hairs. That's where microblading comes in. Microblading is the new brow trend that is here to stay. Meant to mimic the size, shape, and pattern of natural eyebrow hairs, this semi-permanent cosmetics technique allows an artist replicates hair strokes by meticulously drawing them in one by one. The process itself is quick and painless, and only involves surface layers of skin for a semi-permanent look that gently fades over time, allowing you to continue to update your look with the ever-changing trends.

Jo ann's Attention to detail

Eyebrows come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Jo Ann at Permanent Makeup of New York doesn't believe in the cookie-cutter brow, which is why she will always work with you to get the result that you desire.  Whether you just want to fill in gaps, define your arch, or completely re-shape your brows, Jo Ann will help you achieve the look. Her diligent work ethic coupled with her ability to understand the client's needs is the perfect equation for the perfect end result.

for prices and post-procedure care information, please click here